
The Victorian Sculling Association

The VSA is a 110 year old organisation established in 1914 and run by volunteers with the aim of perpetuating the series of 10 winter events for the enjoyment of scullers with the side benefit that some scullers may gain skills and fitness. The VSA is independent of Rowing Victoria and one does not need to be a competitive member of Rowing Victoria in order to compete in Winter Sculling.

The handicap series exists in order that scullers who are slow have the fun of being chased and seeing if they can make it to the finish ahead of the field, and that scullers who are fast have the fun of seeing how many they can chase down. The handicaps are based on the handicappers' subjective expectations of speed. While there is an attempt to ensure close racing in every heat, the handicaps are not objectively derived. This adds an element of fun for some in 'beating the handicapper', often enough to get ahead on the points table.

Below is the list of dates and events as a downloadable document. 

See the Rules and Culture, History and Committee in the side menu.

Files available for download