Registrations for 2024 will open 25 May 2024
You can enter as a novice or experienced rower. Novices row 800m in the handicap series, experienced row 2000m. You can enter in either. For the head races awards to novices will only be made to those who have rowed novice in the handicap series.
People under 18 must be registered by a parent or guardian.
To do this, register yourself into the system, then select "Minor (under 18)" and you will be able to enter their details.
1. Register here you can enter as many events as you like at this time. (Download the "how to" guide below.)
2. Save the confirmation email you receive and you can then check or edit your registration later using the My Events tab in the email.
3. Once you are registered, if you did not select all events initially and want to add events, you can do so using the "Purchase merchandise" tab on your My Events. You will not pay an additional registration fee, just the fees for the additional events you enter.
(Note though that these additional events will not show up in the Registration Summary under the "Registration & QR code" tab so keep a list of them!)
Adult competitors - race entries will close automatically at 6pm on the Monday before each race.
For under 18s, you cannot add events later. Please initially select as many as you can, all requests to add an additional race need to be emailed to by 8am on the Sunday before the event (additional time is needed to manually add them). (Download the "How to" guide for school age below.)
Any problems, email
Please also invite anybody else you think would be interested.
Guidance to competitors in the Handicap Series is available below in Hints for competitors.
Updated event information for 2024 is available on the events page and the home page.
When you register you will be required to electronically sign a waiver for Winter Sculling and one for Active (the registration system). You can read the Winter Sculling waiver by downloading from the adjacent "Terms and Safety" link.
You no longer need complete a hard copy of the waiver.
Please also read the Boating Activity Exemptions under Terms and Safety.
If you have any questions, or would like scratch an entry, email us at