
2024 Round 6 Results

are available see results page. Points and WInners to follow

Results for Round 5 are available

on the results page, points including round5 to come soon

2024 points to date are available

download from the bottom of the results page.

Results for round 4 2024

are available on the results page. Note a correction to Race 9.

Results for Round 2 2024 of the Series

are available on the results page.

Results for Round 1 2024 of the Series

Available on the Results page

Results for John Whiting RTI are on the results page

Prognostics are available too.

Results for Albert Park Grand Prix 2024

Now available on the results page with prognostics

Results for the Scullers Head of the Yarra

are available on the Results page along with prognostics

Results for Head of the Barwon 2023

are available on the results page

Results fro 2023 HOM

and prognostics are available on the results page.

Round 6 Results are available

on the results page. Trophy winners included.

Point score to round 5 now available

see the points on the results page.

Results for Round 5 are now live

Results for Round 5 are now live

Results for Round 3 of the Series

are available on the Results tab.